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Mastopexy is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries as it is suggested to improve the aesthetic appearance of the breasts when there is laxity and ptosis (drooping), normally frequent after pregnancy or with aging. The frequently asked questions about this surgery are:

Does aesthetic breast surgery leave scars?
Fortunately this surgery allows us to hide the scars, which is very convenient in the first few months. For a better insight into the healing process, we list the various periods in which the scars will pass:
1.) Early Period: Up to the 30th day the scars are minimal and barely visible. Some cases show a slight reaction to the stitches or bandages.

2.) Middle Period: From the 30th day until the 12th month. In this period there will be a natural thickening of the scar, as well as a change in its color, from red to brown with a gradually clearing. This period, the least favorable time of healing, is what most worries the patients. As for hastening the natural healing process, we recommend patients not worry, because the later period that reduces the scar remains.

3.) Late Period: From the 12th to 18th months. During this period the scar begins to become clearer and less consistently reaching thus its final appearance.

Any assessment of the final outcome of surgery of the breasts should be made after this period.


Where are they scars?
Depending on the technique, the scars will vary. There are usually two scars located in the form of an inverted "T" at the bottom of the breast. One located around the areola is hidden by the color transition between the areola and normal skin. The first days after surgery may a very generous neckline can be used, because the scars are hidden. With the passing of time (see previous item), the scars will become quite disguised.

I heard that some patients are left with very visible scars. Why does this occur?
Some patients tend to have hypertrophic scarring or keloid. This trend, however, can be predicted to some extent, during the initial consultation, with a series of questions about medical history and family characteristics, which is very helpful with the prognosis of scars. Light-skinned people do not tend to suffer this complication.

Can hypertrophic scars be corrected?
There are several medical and surgical means of improving unsightly scars, at the appropriate time. Not to confuse, however, the "middle period" of normal healing (day 30 until the 12th month) as a complication scar. Any questions about its development should be clarified with us and never with her friends who, like you, "are also apprehensive about the final result."

What will be the size and consistency of my new breasts?
The breast volume can be reduced by surgery, in addition, its consistency and shape can also be improved. But you must understand that there are limitations imposed by the body itself, which is the healing of each individual human being. Medicine is not an exact science, and as such, depends on several factors to achieve a good result, including the immeasurable capacity of each individual to respond to a particular treatment. It is important to emphasize that there is perfect symmetry between the breasts, 90% of women have uneven breasts, and most often are unaware of this fact. So, however much we are in search of perfection, it is humanly impossible to obtain perfectly symmetrical breasts postoperatively. Here, as in the case of increased volume, the proportions should be balanced between the new breast volume and size of the patients chest in order to succeed in greater aesthetic harmony. After surgery the laxity and the original shape of the breast are corrected, but "new breasts" go through several stages of evolution:

1.) Late Period: Up to the 30th day. During this period, the breasts have an improved appearance and improved form, but are still below the planned outcome. So to make up the final form, "glitches" that appear early on (inevitable in all cases), will disappear over time. Remember this, usually no breast is "perfect" in the immediate postoperative period. What might initially seem like a defect is expected to reach favorable form, but is unlikely until the late stage.

2.) Middle Period: From the 30th day until the 12th month. In this period, the breast begins to show a trend that tends to define what will happen usually after the 8th month. It is common during this period, to have some degree of insensitivity of the nipple, and a greater or lesser degree of "swelling" in the breasts. Moreover, their form falls short. Despite the euphoria of most patients, during this time we tell them that the result will be even better as it will be a feature of the 3rd period (late).

3.) Late Period: From the 12th to the 18th month is when the breast reaches its final appearance (scar, shape, consistency, volume, and sensitivity). In this period we photograph the operated cases in order to compare them with the preoperative view of each patient. The degree of elasticity of the breast skin and the volume achieved is very important for the final result. The balance between them varies from case to case.

How long till I reach the final result?
Although the immediate result is very good, only between 8 and 18 months is when the breasts reach their final form (see previous item).

In the case of a new pregnancy, will the result remain the same or be negatively affected?
Your gynecologist will tell you the convenience of having a new pregnancy. Since a specialist can control your weight gain in the subsequent pregnancy usually there is no problem, in the event of another pregnancy. When dealing with very large breasts, which were greatly reduced, lactation may be affected. In cases of small and medium-sized reductions lactation can be normal.

Is the post-operation period painful?
No. Post-surgery is painless, provided you follow the medical instructions, especially regarding the movement of your arms in the early days.
Is this operation dangerous? Rarely does breast plastic surgery have serious complications. This is due to the fact that Dr. Peixoto and the staff are extremely careful to properly prepare for each patient, and ponder the desirability of performing this surgery, both the others. The danger is no greater or less than traveling by plane, car, or to cross the street.

How long is the hospital stay?
- Local anesthesia: 12 hours.
- General anesthesia: 24 hours.

When are the stitches removed?
Dr. Peixoto uses the most modern suture techniques and the majority of the stitches are absorbable meaning they don’t need to be removed, as the name says they are absorbed by the body. The few remaining stitches are removed painlessly around 8 to 14 days after, without hassle.

When can you take a full bath?
Usually after two to three days.

What is the postoperative course?
One should not forget that, until it reaches the desired result, the breasts will go through several phases. If you happen to have concern in order to "achieve the desired final result ahead of time," do not have this mindset, have the proper patience, because your body will take care of resolving all the immediate disorders that invariably call the attention of a friend who does not avoid the observation: "will it disappear again?". It is important that any concern on your part to be communicated to your doctor. Explanation will be promptly provided at any time for any situation.

When can I return to the gym?
Usually after 45 days.
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Dr. Marco Aurélio Campos Peixoto / Copyright 2010
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